RNAO is here for YOU. #BellLetsTalk

Posted on Jan. 28, 2021, 3:52 p.m.

Hello, Region 11 Nurses:

We wanted to take a moment today to THANK YOU and recognize all the amazing work being done by our NPs, RNs, and Nursing Students across Northern Ontario. You have been resilient, and have continued to share your knowledge, skills, and passion for caring with others amid these busy times. You have gone above and beyond.

However, we also know many of you are tired, and at times frustrated. We know you have given up much of your own time to keep going, keep caring, and keep being amazing nurses.

Today, as we raise awareness and combat stigma surrounding mental health in Canada with #BellLetsTalk, we want you to know that we, your RNAO Chapter Executive and Region 11 Representative, are here for YOU.

We are available to talk, provide support, and link you to resources. In these unprecedented times that we are facing as individuals and a nursing community - know you are not alone.

Let’s look out for each other now, more than ever before. Be aware of your own mental health and that of your nursing colleagues. Let’s talk and listen - about the good and the ugly we are facing as nurses through COVID-19. Let’s be open to sharing how we feel with those around us.

If you or a colleague are struggling, please reach out to your local executive, the Region 11 Representative, RNAO Home Office, or one of the resources listed on the RNAO Support During the Covid-19 Pandemic webpage.

If you are in need of immediate support or experiencing a mental health crisis, please call your local crisis hotline, go to your nearest hospital, find resources at ConnexOntario, call 911, or call Telehealth Ontario (1-866-797-0000).

RNAO is here to support you – we are in this together. #NorthernNursingStrong

Lil Bressan, Region 11 Representative 

E: lil.bressan@gmail.com