Season's Greetings 2020 from our President & Board of Directors.

Posted on Dec. 21, 2020, 4:13 p.m.

Hi CNS colleague, 

For many of us, this is the most challenging holiday season we have faced in our lifetimes. Many of you will be working under stressful circumstances, nursing people in desperate need of your knowledge and skills. Others will be home, in your households, protecting yourselves and your family members while celebrating the season.

Like many of you, I will be celebrating over ZOOM, virtually, rather than joining family members in person. As my sister put it, this approach is the safest way to assure that we have no empty chairs at the table next year. We are also blessed to be able to connect through phone calls, texts, and social media. If you have family members and friends who may be living alone, reaching out to connect in a virtual way will brighten their day.

Take some time for self care. For each of us that will look differently but it is essential. We cannot continually give to others without being replenished. The need for our CNS nursing expertise and skill will continue as numbers of infected and ill people continue to rise. We can support others by promoting safe practices, and by modeling those practices.

As many of you know, we are planning a national CNS conference in Canada to take place in May 2022 in Vancouver, BC. I look forward to seeing as many of you there as possible, to enjoy colleagueship face to face.

Until then, stay safe. Practice hand washing, physical distancing, and wear a good mask when out of your home.

Truly yours,

and on behalf of our Board of Directors,  

Elsabeth Jensen, Provincial President of CNS-ON.