Rainbow's Newsletter - October 2020

Posted on Oct. 13, 2020, 10:14 a.m.

Hello RNIG - Rainbow members,

Executive members have written an article for you to read in this latest Newsletter. You will find some resources about LGBTQ+ and about Covid.  Here is the link: https://chapters-igs.rnao.ca/sites/default/files/2020-10/RNIG-newslette…   (you can cut and paste this link if you have problems opening it). 

Let us know how you feel about it and you can send us articles for our Newsletter !  It would be appreciated from all of us.  Rainbow-RNIG@hotmail.com


Paul-André Gauthier, Inf./RN, CNS; PhD (nursing) [ he / him ]

Provincial President RNIG (RN - LGBTQ+)

Rainbow Nursing Interest Group  (Association in Ontario).

Association des infirmières et infirmiers arc-en-ciel de l’Ontario.


Information-RNIG : https://chapters-igs.rnao.ca/interestgroup/58/about



Previous email messages :  https://chapters-igs.rnao.ca/interestgroup/58/email/903


Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/RainbowNursing/

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